Tea Vending Machine: A Must Have Utility In Fast-Paced World!

It would not be an irony to say why Tea is still be declared as the national drink of India? Yes, it is indigenous to our culture. It would be very difficult to find people in families where no one drinks tea every day. Tea has its' own importance in our society has many ages. It was originated long ago and emerged to be one of the most celebrated drinks especially in India. In a metro city like Mumbai, this is almost a necessity. That's why quotes like "Chai Pe Charchaa" is a very famous term in our socio-economic culture. In corporate, many have harnessed the advantage of these popular beverages. In last few years, many researches have suggested its huge benefits. In 130 billion plus population, people drink it with efficiency. All such reasons make India the largest market for tea consumption. It is cooked in every household and seen as a refreshing drink. There is variety of teas. Be it Green, Tea, Masala Tea, Cardamom Tea or any other. For all s...